Summer 2019 kayaking trip at Russian River!
From L->R: Deepa, Michelle, Dan, Joe, Han Chin, Tomer, Kaylin, Katie, Krish, Stephanie
Celebrating Michelle getting a faculty position at the NIH! L to R: Katie, Kaylin, Dan, Han Chin, Carl, Michelle, Feller lab..
Another great lab hike, this time in China Camp State Park in August 2018! L to R: Dan, Tomer, Joe, Carl, Jessica, Deepa
Lab hike to Muir Beach! (..those are whisker impressions) L to R: Tomer, Brian, Michelle, Joe, Katie, Dan
Brian's exit talk, May 2017
Burrito time after our lab hike in Point Reyes, Summer 2016
(L->R Keven, Amy, Sam, Joe, Katie, Tomer)
Impressive selfie from our lab lunch celebrating Brian's graduation! (L to R: Michelle, Brian, Katie, Amy, Joe, Dan, Han Chin, Melanie, Tomer)
Brian, Melanie & Dan showing off their snow mouse at Lake Tahoe
Dan, Justin, and Brian saving our food from bears at Desolation Wildnerness
Sam, Brian, Melanie, Rena, Olivia (top); Justin (bottom) looking good at Desolation Wilderness